Introducing the Art of Meeting Facilitation
Monterey County Free Libraries, through a grant from the Pacific Library Partnership, is pleased to offer a free workshop on meeting facilitation for library staff, presented by Jim Potterton, Ph.D., Wellness and Organizational Development Consultant.
In this lively interactive workshop, Jim will introduce some simple tools that can be used to make staff meetings rich opportunities for engagement and problem solving. The nuts and bolts of good meeting facilitation will be explored including agenda building, time management, and group process tips. You will leave with skills you can put to use at your next meeting.
Registration is limited to 30 attendees. Continental breakfast will be provided. Please RSVP by emailing Chris Ricker at: Please include: Subject line: RSVP Meeting Facilitation Workshop and in the body of the email your library name and attendee’s name(s).
Confirmation of registration will be emailed back.
Jim Potterton
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